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Thursday, August 14, 2008

10 Simple Steps To Directly Monetizing Blogs

10 Simple Steps To Directly Monetizing Blogs

More and more people are getting into blogging because they want to make
money. To feed this desire more and more bloggers are writing about
making money from blogs. I get asked how to go about monetizing blogs,
and also why I don’t write more about the subject. This post will answer both
First let’s be clear; blogging is not a magic route to instant riches. While
there is certainly no harm in wanting to earn an income from blogging, make
sure your expectations are realistic. A few hundred dollars a month from a
moderately popular blog is a reasonable goal. Enough to pay for your time,
hosting and perhaps some toys, or for the grown-ups (physical or mental)
help towards your rent/mortgage/loan repayments.
Rule number one - stick to producing valuable content, despite what the
snake-oil get-rich-quick meisters will tell you. Go for long term and stable
income not dump and dash spamola.
These steps are simple but not necessarily easy.
1. Choose a niche with potential and where you can make a splash
2. Find appropriate affiliate offers that match your topic
3. Use keyword tools to investigate high-paying AdSense phrases and
write about them
4. Build or select an AdSense-friendly template, use Text Link Ads when
you get to a decent price, and test schemes such as Chitika,
AuctionAds, etc.
5. Grow your RSS and email subscriptions, use full feed and FeedBurner
RSS advertising
6. Post regular, useful content, at least one article a day
7. Generate traffic, using compelling headlines, networking,
commenting, carnivals, memes, viral, social networking, SEO and
Flagship Content
8. Do more of what works - use your stats to see which keywords and
articles bring in visitors
9. Pay for advertising out of your AdSense and affiliate income
10. Build another blog in a related niche, cross-promote, diversify, start
over at step 1.
As you can see there are no silver bullets, not instant gratification answers.
Each one of those bullets hides a million other pieces of the puzzle.
Why don’t I write about this stuff more?
Most people when they talk about blog monetization mean they want to
make a direct income through AdSense and affiliates. My income is indirect,
that is my blogging builds an audience which leads to profile, credibility and
leads. While the two revenue subjects overlap there are significant
differences in approach.
Regardless of which approach you follow, earning money from blogs is hard
work and time consuming. Don’t listen to the latest “can’t lose” get-rich
schemes. Stick with it and create a valuable resource and the rewards do
come. Copyright © by Chris Garrett. All rights reserved in all media.

Thinking Creatively & Taking Chances

Thinking Creatively & Taking Chances

Is A Marketing Strategy That Works?

Back in 1994 I had a job interview with an advertising agency in Akron,
Ohio. During the interview I noticed the President’s office wall covered in
yellow post-it notes. And I mean a ton of them, all over the place, like
wallpaper. “That’s how I get work done and remember stuff,” he said. I
thought it was pretty cool, and it gave me an idea.
After I left the interview, I went to the store and bought some packs of post-
it notes, and a big paper sheet about 3×3 feet in size. I had my wife,
girlfriend at the time, who has unbelievable handwriting write down a
quality I possessed on each yellow sticky (hard worker, good designer,
smart, etc..). We filled up the entire paper sheet with those stickies, creating
a “wall” of my best attributes.
It was my resume in sticky notes.
The next morning I dropped it off at his office before he got in. A few hours
later I got the call and was hired instantly.
Now, I didn’t take the job as I had another offer to join something called a
“new media agency”, which I took instead, but that’s another story.
The point is… Thinking creatively and taking chances is a winning
Do you think creatively? Do you take chances? I believe that many of you
have good or even great ideas, but you are afraid to act them out. Why?
Jon Spolestra, my newest marketing hero, author of an AMAZING book
called Marketing Outrageously, advises that you everyone should sit down
and get a little piece of paper and write down the craziest idea you have for
marketing your business on it. Then stick it in your pocket and just keep it
there. You don’t have to show it to anyone if you don’t want to, just keep it
there as a reminder to you that you can think in such a manner.
My advice? Stop worrying about failure. It’s going to happen, a lot. I’ve failed
countless times, and been laughed at too. I’ve been told my ideas are lame
and will never work, and some have, and some haven’t. But you know what?
I will never, ever stop trying.
P.S. Go ahead, buy that book. If you don’t think it’s amazing, send it to me
and I will pay you for it, guaranteed. I’ll just give it to someone else. No joke.
© Jim Kurkal, All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Easy Money Making Ideas

For multiple income streams, here are the easy money making ideas to help you make money at home in so many ways. Though it is advisable to focus on affiliate marketing and starting your own web site, I would like you to take a look at the other online income sources available on the net. There are other possible sources to build a multiple online income streams at home.

I advise you, however, to evaluate first the program before paying a real money. Normally, a good money making opportunities will give you a trial period or trial account before it will require you to deposit or pay money. If you are somewhat convinced, then try it with minimum amount. Sometimes, you really need to spend some money as part of the risk that you have to accept if you really want to make money online. Remember, that every business is taking an amount of risk to succeed.

Here are the easy money making ideas that could help you build a multiple income streams:

Make Money With Personalized Products
Make money online with personalized products is a popular easy money making ideas made available on the net today. You can customized or personalized popular products and sell to your own shop without spending a dime.

Make Money With Online Games
Learn to make money at home by playing online games. An easy money making idea to build multiple online income streams.

Make Money Online with PPC Advertising
Make money online with PPC Advertising without website or blog. With PPC advertising, you can make money with your own products and/or affiliate products.

Make Money With Domain Names
Learn how to make money with domain names? Know how to make money at home by parking and trading domain names. Know how to choose the right domain names.

Make Money With Blogging
Easy way to make money online is by blogging. You will not even spend a dime if you are a regular internet user.

Make Money With Multilevel Marketing
Make money with great MLM products and recruiting people. Discover how you can make money from multilevel marketing or MLM like SFI Program.

Make Money With Online Paid Surveys
Make money at home by filling up online paid survey is one of the easiest money making idea ever. Learn how to make money with paid surveys as one of your multiple online income streams.

Make Money With Online Forex Trading
Make money at home by trading forex online to build your multiple online income streams. This is another easy money making idea of making money by buying and selling different currencies right at your home.

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